Whether a new cat owner or seasoned cat owner, you may be wondering what your cat's body language is communicating. Here are some common stances and looks and their meaning:

Stretched Out

A cat laying stretched out feels relaxed and comfortable with their environment. In most cases, this is an great opportunity to proceed toward a cat and say hello!

Confident Stride

This confident walk, typically followed by an upright tail, is a sign of a self-assured cat who’s feeling friendly and particularly gregarious.


A cat in a hunched over position with their tail low underneath or near to their body may be feeling unprotected and scared.


Different than the relaxed stretch, this move is often followed by a curved and quickly waving tail. This is a warning sign of an irritated cat who wants to be left alone.

Rolled On Side

Somtimes, cats will tense up and roll marginally on their side when feeling in danger. This position is often followed by tucked ears, bared teeth, and the “ready-to-pounce” look. This is a good indicator that confrontation is near.

Now you are a pro! Next time your cat does one of these, you'll know the meaning of it.