Can Cats Enjoy Autumn?
The whimsical season of pumpkin spice, homemade soup, and holiday cheer is among us. The days are starting to get shorter and cooler, prompting evenings curled up with a good book, a cup of tea, and of course - your cat! If you’re like me, you might wonder if your cat can enjoy the seasonal changes too. Wouldn’t it be cool for cats to experience the excitement of fall like we do?
Can Cats Enjoy Autumn?

Introducing Your Dog to a New Cat (and Vice Versa)
Have one, two, three, four…the number is limitless for a lot of animal lovers, but is it always a good idea to bring a new animal into the mix? There is definitely a transition period after the initial introduction to see how animals interact with each other. Check out these tips for introducing your dog to a new cat or vice versa!
Introducing Your Dog to a New Cat (and Vice Versa)

How to Prepare Your Cat for A New Baby
A new baby in the household can be a challenging transition for your cat. Here are some tips to help ensure that your cat is prepped for the new arrival and continues to get the TLC they deserve after the baby comes home!
How to Prepare Your Cat for A New Baby

A Cat’s Secret Language of Pain
September is Animal Pain Awareness Month. How can you tell pain in your cat? Let’s take this opportunity to discover what pain in cats can look like and how we can help.
A Cat’s Secret Language of Pain

Cat Phobias: Managing Your Cat’s Skittish Nature
Why is my cat so skittish? If you have a kitty who’s “overly skittish” behavior leaves you at a dead end, there are steps you can take towards understanding why your cat seems on high alert.
Cat Phobias: Managing Your Cat’s Skittish Nature

Everything You Need To Know About Cat Territory Marking
Why do some cats mark their territory? Some of the ways cats like to “mark” their territory can be benign, and even sometimes downright adorable.
Everything You Need To Know About Cat Territory Marking

Why Does My Cat Love Showing Me Her Butt?
Why is my cat showing me her butt? Learn more about why showing some bum is a sign of love and affection.
Why Does My Cat Love Showing Me Her Butt?

Why Does My Cat Knock Stuff Over?
Why does my cat knock stuff over? It basically boils down to two main things: basic instincts and attention. No matter the reason your cat knocks stuff over and potentially breaks them, learn how to break the habit for good - no pun intended.
Why Does My Cat Knock Stuff Over?

Does My Cat Know I Love Her?
Everyone knows about dog affection, but what about cat affection? Everyone who’s ever been in the presence of a dog...
Does My Cat Know I Love Her?

Is Your Cat Sleeping Too Much? Winter Could Be The Cause
As winter is plundering along you may be starting to think that if your cat had an alarm clock he...
Is Your Cat Sleeping Too Much? Winter Could Be The Cause

5 Smells Cats Hate vs. Smells Cats Like
Our cats may have tiny, adorable noses, but don’t be fooled. Their sense of smell is mighty. Seriously, their little...
5 Smells Cats Hate vs. Smells Cats Like

How to Handle a Food Obsessed Cat
Does your cat start howling for food as soon as your feet hit the floor in the morning? Do they...