How To Prepare Your Cat For A Weekend Getaway
Learn some helpful tips, cool products, and the best way to prepare your kitties for a weekend away so that they stay safe and well taken care of until you come back home.
How To Prepare Your Cat For A Weekend Getaway

Why CatGenie Makes An Exceptional Gift
Shopping for gifts for loved ones seems to get harder the older everyone gets. What truly makes a good gift...
Why CatGenie Makes An Exceptional Gift

Your Feline-Friendly Christmas Tree Guide
Christmas trees and cats go together like orange juice and toothpaste - they don't. But with a few tweaks here and there, you can easily cat-ify your tree and celebrate in style without the worry of imminent destruction. Here's how to make your Christmas tree feline friendly.
Your Feline-Friendly Christmas Tree Guide

Holiday Plants That Are Toxic for Cats
What plants are toxic for cats? Let’s look into what popular Christmas plants could leave your kitty feeling anything by merry.
Holiday Plants That Are Toxic for Cats

5 Ways To Celebrate The Holidays With Your Cat
Amid all the shopping, cooking, and travel, the family cat can get lost in the holiday shuffle. Here are five ways to include your cat during the holidays.
5 Ways To Celebrate The Holidays With Your Cat

Cats As Gifts: Why You Should Give Serious Thought Beforehand
If you're tempted to gift a cat -- or any other pet -- this holiday season, take the time to think it through.
Cats As Gifts: Why You Should Give Serious Thought Beforehand

Will Those Thanksgiving Left-Overs Poison Your Cat?
Which Thanksgiving leftovers are safe to give to your cat and which are toxic? Let’s find out.
Will Those Thanksgiving Left-Overs Poison Your Cat?

CatGenie Makes The Perfect Holiday Gift
Give the gift of a cleaner home, more time and less chores this holiday season. How can you do that you may ask? Well, the CatGenie of course!
CatGenie Makes The Perfect Holiday Gift

Keeping Your Cat Safe During Halloween
When October 31st rolls around, it’s not the full moon, ghosts, or witches that you need to worry about. Rather it’s the candy, costumes, and trick-or-treaters that may give your cat a fright. Here's how to keep your cat safe and sound during Halloween celebrations.
Keeping Your Cat Safe During Halloween

The Benefits of Feeding Pumpkin to Cats
As you painstakingly sort through the pumpkins at the pumpkin patch or the bin at the supermarket this month looking...
The Benefits of Feeding Pumpkin to Cats

Litter Box Showdown: Traditional Box vs. CatGenie
If you’re reading this, you’ve come across the CatGenie in your research and you may be asking yourself - what’s the difference between a regular old litter box and a CatGenie? Well the short answer is - everything! But let’s do a deeper dive to discover what all those differences mean for you, your cat and even the environment.
Litter Box Showdown: Traditional Box vs. CatGenie

Trials & Terror: How To Make Vet Trips for Vaccinations Easier
Tips for making your next trip to the vet for vaccinations easier for you and your cat. Find out what vaccines your cat or kitten needs at what age and more.