Cleaning Your CatGenie

To properly deep clean your CatGenie, follow the instructions listed below. We recommend doing this at least two times per year to ensure your CatGenie continues to run smoothly and efficiently.  

1. Take Apart Your CatGenie

Before we take apart the CatGenie, remember to do the following:

- Unplug your unit

- Turn off the water supply 

- Move the CatGenie away from the wall 

Once the above steps are complete, remove the hopper cover and set aside.

Remove the Processing Unit and place it upright on a towel or mat on the floor.

Gently pull down the GenieArm and unclip the GenieHand by pressing the small square tab.

Retract the GenieArm all the way back into the opening in the brim. This is important to prevent bending the GenieArm during brim removal. 

To remove the brim, push on the black button for leverage as you pull up from the back of the brim. Lift the brim off of the base from back to front, being careful of the GenieArm.

To get to the base, remove the bowl of granules. Set aside on a towel or plastic bag, in a spot where cats can't use it.

Remove the hopper from the base by slowly pulling it straight up.  

2. How To Clean The Hopper


Always clean your hopper over a garbage bag for easy clean up. Open the hopper like a book. Keep track of your GenieBall while cleaning the hopper.

Clean or cut any hair or debris around the impeller shaft and blades. The impeller should be able to spin freely.

Next, check that the hair cutter rings are in place.

Make sure the seeping holes are clean on both sides of the hopper.

To clean the drainage washer area, remove the washer. (Don't lose it!) The drainage washer on your CatGenie may be red or gray. Remove any debris in the drainage washer area. Be sure to clean the inside of the drainage washer area as well. Replace the drainage washer on the hopper when finished.

Insert the GenieBall back into the hopper. 

3. How To Clean The Mesh Water Filter

Unscrew the water intake hose from the back of the processing unit. There may be clean water in the hose, so set it on a towel.

Using pliers, carefully remove the mesh water filter.

Rinse the mesh water filter in a cup of water or a running faucet.

Reinsert the mesh water filter. The plastic nub should face away from the unit.

Screw the water intake hose back onto the processing unit. Only hand tighten the plastic nut. Do Not use tools. 

4. How To Clean The Light Guide

Be sure the hopper cover and the processing unit are still removed. Locate the light guide in the base. It looks like two small crystals at the top. 

Pull the light guide up from the top of the base.

Use a soft cloth to wipe off the entire light guide, from end to tip. The angled sides of the tip are the most important parts. Make sure they are completely cleaned.

Carefully replace the light guide, processing unit, and hopper cover. 

Once your CatGenie is reassembled:

- Turn on the water supply

- Check water hose connection for leaks

- Plug the unit back in 

That's it! Your CatGenie has been successfully deep cleaned and is once again ready for use! 
