An easy DIY setup connects your CatGenie to a cold water outlet, a drain (toilet or laundry drain), and electricity. Instead of dirty cat litter, the CatGenie uses Washable Granules that look and feel like cat litter. Liquid waste drains and solids get scooped. All get liquified and the CatGenie flushes it away for safe and easy disposal down the drain and out of the home for good. Water and the cat-safe SaniSolution wash, clean, and scrub the Washable Granules and cat box interior. A built-in dryer blows hot air through the Granules to dry them completely for your cat’s comfort.
Replacement Water Intake Hose
New replacement for your cold water intake hose. We recommend changing this every 2-3 years to help keep your CatGenie going and going.
Due to the nature of this product, we cannot accept returns (except for defective items).
Frequently Asked Questions
- General
- Requirements
- Cat Use
- Acclimation
- Granules
- Cartridges
- Orders
How does the CatGenie Work?
Can I use cat litter in the CatGenie?
NEVER use cat litter in the CatGenie. We supply the litter-like Washable Granules that provide cats the material they need to dig and cover. The Washable Granules are made specially for the CatGenie. Anything else will damage the unit, clog your pipes, and void your Warranty.
Does CatGenie dispose of ALL cat waste?
Yes. Whether the waste is liquid or solid, the CatGenie disposes of it- eliminating a disgusting chore from your to-do list. All liquid and solid waste is flushed down the toilet or laundry drain and out of your home for good.
How many cats can use one CatGenie?
We see the most consistent success when each CatGenie is only used by two cats who weigh up to 20 lbs each. In some cases, three cats can use one CatGenie unit but that depends entirely on the behaviors and temperament of your cats. If you have three cats using one litter box now, then they shouldn’t have a problem using one CatGenie unit.
What are the overall dimensions of the CatGenie?
Can larger cats use the CatGenie?
Is CatGenie safe for cats?
Can kittens use the CatGenie?
Can the CatGenie work in homes with septic systems?
Does it hook up to plumbing?
Yes, the CatGenie hooks up to the cold water intake from a sink, toilet or washing machine. The Drain Hose hooks over a toilet rim or shares the drain pipe that your washing machine uses. It is a simple, do-it-yourself set up.
Laundry Room Installation
1. Assemble the CatGenie.
2. Connect Water Intake Hose to washer water hose via t-adapter.
2. Insert Drain Hose into washer drain pipe.
3. Plug into power outlet.
4. Insert SaniSolution Cartridge and Washable Granules.
5. Run test Cleaning Cycle.
6. Enjoy Your CatGenie!
Bathroom Installation
1. Assemble the CatGenie.
2. Connect Water Intake Hose to toilet water hose via t-adapter.
2. Insert Drain Hose to Toilet Hook and place onto toilet bowl rim.
3. Plug into power outlet.
4. Insert SaniSolution Cartridge and Washable Granules.
5. Run test Cleaning Cycle.
6. Enjoy Your CatGenie!
Does the CatGenie need electricity?
Do I need a plumber to install my CatGenie?
In 99% of homes, a plumber is NOT needed to connect the CatGenie. The setup is simple. With your purchase, you receive an outside-diameter, 1/2-inch (inside-diameter, 3/8-inch) T-adapter for bathroom setup and an outside-diameter, 1-inch (inside-diameter, 3/4-inch) T-adapter for laundry room setup. These fit 95% of locations. Some non-standard hookups may require a different size T-adapter, which PetNovations does not provide. They are inexpensive and available at home center stores.
Laundry Room Installation
1. Assemble the CatGenie.
2. Connect Water Intake Hose to washer water hose via t-adapter.
2. Insert Drain Hose into washer drain pipe.
3. Plug into power outlet.
4. Insert SaniSolution Cartridge and Washable Granules.
5. Run test Cleaning Cycle.
6. Enjoy Your CatGenie!
Bathroom Installation
1. Assemble the CatGenie.
2. Connect Water Intake Hose to toilet water hose via t-adapter.
2. Insert Drain Hose to Toilet Hook and place onto toilet bowl rim.
3. Plug into power outlet.
4. Insert SaniSolution Cartridge and Washable Granules.
5. Run test Cleaning Cycle.
6. Enjoy Your CatGenie!
How long does it take to set up the CatGenie?
How do I maintain the CatGenie Self-Washing Cat Box?
The greatest benefit of owning a CatGenie is that it is the only cat box that actually washes and cleans itself. However, even a self-washing cat box is still an appliance and needs a little TLC to keep running its best.
CatGenie recommended maintenance includes:
Take apart and deep clean your CatGenie 2x per year.
To put it plainly, your CatGenie handles cat waste and to keep it running well, it needs to be cleaned occasionally. (Imagine never cleaning your own toilet? Gross!) A clean CatGenie is a happy CatGenie and keeping your unit running its best is as simple as giving it a gentle yet deep cleaning a few times each year.
What do you need to do? Take apart your CatGenie and gently scrub the components to remove any hair, debris or buildup twice per year.
Run a CatGenie Maintenance Cycle every 90 days.
The CatGenie Maintenance Cartridge contains special enzymes to break down any lime or other deposits that might come from your water inside the Unit. If you have a significant amount of lime in your water, you may want to run the Maintenance Cycle more often.
What do you need to do? Just insert a CatGenie Maintenance Cartridge into your Unit, press Start and your CatGenie will take care of the rest.
How many times a day should I run the CatGenie?
Where is the best place to locate a CatGenie?
Do cats step into wet Granules?
What if my cat has to use the CatGenie while it is washing?
Most cats have no issue finding a non-running CatGenie to use but there may be some trial-and-error. One of the major benefits of using our A.I. unit is that you will get a detailed diary of their visits so you can customize your cleaning preferences specifically for your feline family. With Cat Activated, Time Activated or Manual scheduling options, delayed starts, plus the ability to set a "Do Not Disturb" window each day when the unit will not run, you can find a solution that's best for your household.
How safe are the Washable Granules? What if my cat ingests them?
The Washable Granules are a non-toxic combination of safe synthetic and natural ingredients. If swallowed, the small, smooth granules will simply pass through the digestive system.
Is the CatGenie safe for cats?
Absolutely. We love cats and would never do anything to harm them. Our goal is to help improve the relationship between pets and people by solving the hated litter box problem for good.
Is the SaniSolution in the 120 Cartridge safe for cats?
The SaniSolution cleaner used in the SaniSolution Cartridge is tested safe for cats when diluted in water, as it would be during a CatGenie Cleaning Cycle. It has the same ingredients that veterinarians use to clean their operating and examinations areas.
Note: The SaniSolution cleaner inside the SaniSolution Cartridges is concentrated and designed to be diluted before cats have exposure. People, pets and surfaces should never be exposed to the concentrated SaniSolution.
What happens if my cat is in the box when a Cleaning Cycle starts?
How can I check for medical problems if all the waste gets flushed away?
Can kittens use the CatGenie?
Will my cat accept and use the CatGenie?
More than 95% of all cats accept the cat-friendly shape and comfy litter-like Granules of the CatGenie right away. They quickly use the CatGenie as they use any clean litter box. Hundreds of thousands of cats from all over the world have made the transition.
We provide a detailed Acclimation Guide, developed by a renowned cat trainer, with each Unit. And if your kitty needs a little extra support to get acclimated, we are available by phone 7 days a week at 1-888-735-3927 to share the ideas we've accumulated over more than 2 decades helping cats learn to love self-washing cat boxes.
How long does the cat acclimation process take?
Will the Cleaning Cycle scare my cat?
Cats come to realize that the Cleaning Cycle is a good thing. Our animal behaviorists have told us that cats learn to associate the Cleaning Cycle with a benefit, and in a short time learn that the cleaning sound = a clean cat box! They especially like the warmed Granules. We do recommend that during the first week, you manually activate the cleaning to run while your cats are not near it.
How many cats can use one CatGenie unit?
The best success is one CatGenie for two cats who weigh up to 20 lbs. In some cases, three cats can use one CatGenie unit. If you have three cats using one litter box now, then they shouldn’t have a problem using one CatGenie unit.
Can I use cat litter in the CatGenie?
Does the CatGenie use a special litter?
How safe are the Washable Granules? What if my cat ingests them?
The Washable Granules are a non-toxic combination of safe synthetic and natural ingredients. While we do not recommend people or animals eat them, and to keep dogs and children out of the CatGenie, the Granules are non-toxic for both cats and humans and in reasonable quantities should easily pass through their respective digestive systems.
How much of the Washable Granules will I need?
Frequency of replenishment depends on the number of cats and the way they use their CatGenie. A single box of Washable Granules can last most single-cat families 5-6 months under normal usage. Most 2-cat households average 3-4 boxes of Granules per year.
How full should I fill the bowl with Washable Granules?
You should never use more than 1 box of Washable Granules at a time in your CatGenie. You should simply replenish them whenever kick-out or scoop-up lowers the fill level below the indented line. That's it!. No need to throw away used Granules and replace them... they've been washed clean after each use!
How often do the Washable Granules need changing or replaced?
You NEVER need to change out your Washable Granules for new ones*. We designed our CatGenie to wash our Granules clean as new for repeated use. A single box of Washable Granules can last a single-cat family as long as 6 months under typical usage circumstances.
What do you need to do? Empty a single box of Washable Granules into the GenieBowl when you assemble your CatGenie and replenish whenever kick-out or scoop-up lowers the fill level below the indented line. That's it!
*On the very rare occasion (for most cats) that your cat has liquid feces, this waste may not scrub completely clean from Granules and this may prompt a change out of the entire bowl full. But this never happens for most CatGenie users.
Will the Granules clog my pipes or damage my septic system?
No. In a traditional sewer or septic system, the Washable Granules are safe for your pipes and will break down in a septic or sewer system. Only the few Granules that stick to solids will end up down the drain or in the septic system.
Do the Granules biodegrade?
Can I refill the SaniSolution 120 Cartridge?
How long will the SaniSolution Cartridge last?
Are the SaniSolution Cartridges Biodegradable or Recyclable?
What if I have an issue with my CatGenie?
What is the Warranty on the CatGenie?
PetNovations provides a 2-Year Warranty on both Models. These highly engineered machines have the longest coverage of any other automated litter box. And the CatGenie does so much more than scoop.
What is the Return Policy on the CatGenie?
If you or your cats are not completely satisfied with your CatGenie for any reason, you can return it within 90 days for a full refund of the merchandise cost. Outgoing shipping costs are non refundable and you are responsible for paying return shipping costs.
When returning products to CatGenie, we recommend that you:
-Use shipment tracking to ensure we receive your return. We will not process refunds for shipments we do not receive.
-Insure all packages.
-Ask a CatGenie Customer Support team member about taking advantage of our bulk shipping rates for your return.
-Follow all Return Procedures below.
To begin the process of returning your CatGenie, please contact our Customer Support team at 888.735.3927.
Even a Self-Washing Cat Box is still an appliance and needs a little TLC to keep running its best.
To put it plainly, your CatGenie handles cat waste and to keep it running well, it needs to be cleaned occasionally. Imagine never cleaning your own toilet? Gross! A clean CatGenie is a happy CatGenie and a few simple tasks each year will keep it running well longer.
If your household has 1 to 2 cats per CatGenie, we recommend:
2x per year Disassembly & Deep Cleaning
4x per year Machine Washing Soak
Our recommendation is to have 1 CatGenie per 2-3 cats in your home. If more than 3 cats are using each CatGenie in your home, you may need to increase your cleaning frequency accordingly.
Even a Self-Washing Cat Box is still an appliance and needs a little TLC to keep running its best.
To put it plainly, your CatGenie handles cat waste and to keep it running well, it needs to be cleaned occasionally. Imagine never cleaning your own toilet? Gross! A clean CatGenie is a happy CatGenie and a few simple tasks each year will keep it running well longer.
If your household has 1 to 2 cats per CatGenie, we recommend:
2x per year Disassembly & Deep Cleaning
4x per year Machine Washing Soak
Our recommendation is to have 1 CatGenie per 2-3 cats in your home.
If more than 3 cats are using each CatGenie in your home, you may need to increase your cleaning frequency.
Even a Self-Washing Cat Box is still an appliance and needs a little TLC to keep running its best.
To put it plainly, your CatGenie handles cat waste and to keep it running well, it needs to be cleaned occasionally. Imagine never cleaning your own toilet? Gross! A clean CatGenie is a happy CatGenie and a few simple tasks each year will keep it running well longer.
If your household has 1 to 2 cats per CatGenie, we recommend:
2x per year Disassembly & Deep Cleaning
4x per year Machine Washing Soak
Our recommendation is to have 1 CatGenie per 2-3 cats in your home.
With 3 cats or more using each CatGenie, you may need to increase your cleaning frequency.
Each feline family is different. The recommendations above represent cleaning programs that provide effective maintenance for MOST households. If you have questions about what will work best for your CatGenie, please consult with a CatGenie Specialist at 1-888-735-3927.
Recommended Maintenance Tasks
Disassembly & Manual Deep Cleaning
CatGenie is an appliance and includes many moving parts. Add that to the fact that it handles cat waste, it is easy to see why it needs a deep clean on occasion. Taking apart your Unit and cleaning each component is the best way to keep it error-free and smelling great.
What do you need to do? Take apart your CatGenie and gently scrub the components to remove any hair, debris or buildup twice per year.
Machine Washing Soak
The CatGenie Machine Washing Soak uses the power of Citric Acid to clean all the nooks and crannies inside your machine and remove lime and mineral deposits with a gentle but effective soak. When diluted for cleaning, the powder is safe for pets, people and plumbing.
What do you need to do? 1. Deactivate auto settings, and run a regular cycle with a solution cartridge to remove waste and to check if your CatGenie is working properly (or perform after a complete and successful cleaning cycle).
2. Once the regular cycle is completed, remove the processing unit and hopper cover, place the processing unit on a towel on the floor and lean it against the wall.
3. Pour warm water into a CatGenie bowl to half an inch above the granular fill line indent inside the bowl.
Prepare the Cleaning Mixture: 1. Pour entire contents of this pack into a bucket.
2. Carefully add a half gallon (2 L ) of 175°F /80 C water to the powder in the bucket and stir the mixture until fully dissolved in the hot water.
3. Very carefully pour the mixture from the bucket into the hopper, and let the solution soak in the catch for two hours. After two hours put the processing unit securely back into its slot (replace the Hopper cover and GenieDome if applicable). The unit will light up and will detect the bowl is full of water, and will run a drain wash and dry cycle, and be ready to use.
Maintenance Tasks
Disassembly & Manual Deep Cleaning
CatGenie is an appliance and includes many moving parts. Add that to the fact that it handles cat waste, it is easy to see why it needs a deep clean on occasion. Taking apart your Unit and cleaning each component is the best way to keep it error-free and smelling great.
What do you need to do? Take apart your CatGenie and gently scrub the components to remove any hair, debris or buildup twice per year.
Machine Washing Soak
The CatGenie Machine Washing Soak uses the power of Citric Acid to clean all the nooks and crannies inside your machine and remove lime and mineral deposits with a gentle but effective soak. When diluted for cleaning, the powder is safe for pets, people and plumbing.
What do you need to do? 1. Deactivate auto settings, and run a regular cycle with a solution cartridge to remove waste and to check if your CatGenie is working properly (or perform after a complete and successful cleaning cycle).
2. Once the regular cycle is completed, remove the processing unit and hopper cover, place the processing unit on a towel on the floor and lean it against the wall.
3. Pour warm water into a CatGenie bowl to half an inch above the granular fill line indent inside the bowl.
Prepare the Cleaning Mixture: 1. Pour entire contents of this pack into a bucket.
2. Carefully add a half gallon (2 L ) of 175°F /80 C water to the powder in the bucket and stir the mixture until fully dissolved in the hot water.
3. Very carefully pour the mixture from the bucket into the hopper, and let the solution soak in the catch for two hours. After two hours put the processing unit securely back into its slot (replace the Hopper cover and GenieDome if applicable). The unit will light up and will detect the bowl is full of water, and will run a drain wash and dry cycle, and be ready to use.
Each feline family is different. The recommendations above represent cleaning programs that provide effective maintenance for MOST households. If you have questions about what will work best for your CatGenie, please consult with a CatGenie Specialist at 1-888-735-3927.
Maintenance Tasks
Disassembly & Manual Deep Cleaning
CatGenie is an appliance and includes many moving parts. Add that to the fact that it handles cat waste, it is easy to see why it needs a deep clean on occasion. Taking apart your Unit and cleaning each component is the best way to keep it error-free and smelling great.
What do you need to do? Take apart your CatGenie and gently scrub the components to remove any hair, debris or buildup twice per year.
Machine Washing Soak
The CatGenie Machine Washing Soak uses the power of Citric Acid to clean all the nooks and crannies inside your machine and remove lime and mineral deposits with a gentle but effective soak. When diluted for cleaning, the powder is safe for pets, people and plumbing.
What do you need to do?
1. Deactivate auto settings, and run a regular cycle with a solution cartridge to remove waste and to check if your CatGenie is working properly (or perform after a complete and successful cleaning cycle).
2. Once the regular cycle is completed, remove the processing unit and hopper cover, place the processing unit on a towel on the floor and lean it against the wall.
3. Pour warm water into a CatGenie bowl to half an inch above the granular fill line indent inside the bowl.
Prepare the Cleaning Mixture: 1. Pour entire contents of this pack into a bucket.
2. Carefully add a half gallon (2 L ) of 175°F /80 C water to the powder in the bucket and stir the mixture until fully dissolved in the hot water.
3. Very carefully pour the mixture from the bucket into the hopper, and let the solution soak in the catch for two hours. After two hours put the processing unit securely back into its slot (replace the Hopper cover and GenieDome if applicable). The unit will light up and will detect the bowl is full of water, and will run a drain wash and dry cycle, and be ready to use.
How Often Should I Change My Washable Granules?
You NEVER need to change out your Washable Granules for new ones*. We designed our CatGenie to wash our Granules clean as new for repeated use. A single box of Washable Granules can last a single-cat family as long as 6 months under typical usage circumstances.
What do you need to do? Empty a single box of Washable Granules into the GenieBowl when you assemble your CatGenie and replenish whenever kick-out or scoop-up lowers the fill level below the indented line. That's it!
*On the very rare occasion (for most cats) that your cat has liquid feces, the CatGenie A.I. has a special cycle to handle this. In the CatGenie A.I. app, select "Devices", then select "Settings" ⚙️, "Cycle Settings" , finally, choose the "No Scoop Cleaning Cycle (Wash Only)" for effective cleaning.
How Often Should I Change my SaniSolution Cartridge?
Our patented SaniSolution Cartridges dispense the perfect amount of concentrated cleaning solution during every cycle. A Cartridge is designed to clean for 120 cycles with Time Activated or Manual Activated schedule modes. Or you can DOUBLE the life of your Cartridges by running your CatGenie on Cat Activation mode.*
*Not only does Cat Activation save you money, but it also keeps your unit running better longer by cleaning immediately after each use!
What do you need to do? Insert a new SaniSolution Cartridge when the current one is empty. For CatGenie A.I. users, your app will even notify when you are running low so you'll have plenty of time to reorder more. Then you can recycle your Cartridge casing in most areas.
How Often Should I Change My Washable Granules?
You NEVER need to change out your Washable Granules for new ones*. We designed our CatGenie to wash our Granules clean as new for repeated use. A single box of Washable Granules can last a single-cat family as long as 6 months under typical usage circumstances.
What do you need to do? Empty a single box of Washable Granules into the GenieBowl when you assemble your CatGenie and replenish whenever kick-out or scoop-up lowers the fill level below the indented line. That's it!
*On the very rare occasion (for most cats) that your cat has liquid feces, the CatGenie A.I. has a special cycle to handle this. In the CatGenie A.I. app, select "Devices", then select "Settings" ⚙️, "Cycle Settings" , finally, choose the "No Scoop Cleaning Cycle (Wash Only)" for effective cleaning.
How Often Should I Change my SaniSolution Cartridge?
Our patented SaniSolution Cartridges dispense the perfect amount of concentrated cleaning solution during every cycle. A Cartridge is designed to clean for 120 cycles with Time Activated or Manual Activated schedule modes. Or you can DOUBLE the life of your Cartridges by running your CatGenie on Cat Activation mode.*
*Not only does Cat Activation save you money, but it also keeps your unit running better longer by cleaning immediately after each use!
What do you need to do? Insert a new SaniSolution Cartridge when the current one is empty. For CatGenie A.I. users, your app will even notify when you are running low so you'll have plenty of time to reorder more. Then you can recycle your Cartridge casing in most areas.
How Often Should I Change My Washable Granules?
You NEVER need to change out your Washable Granules for new ones*. We designed our CatGenie to wash our Granules clean as new for repeated use. A single box of Washable Granules can last a single-cat family as long as 6 months under typical usage circumstances.
What do you need to do? Empty a single box of Washable Granules into the GenieBowl when you assemble your CatGenie and replenish whenever kick-out or scoop-up lowers the fill level below the indented line. That's it!
*On the very rare occasion (for most cats) that your cat has liquid feces, the CatGenie A.I. has a special cycle to handle this. In the CatGenie A.I. app, select "Devices", then select "Settings" ⚙️, "Cycle Settings" , finally, choose the "No Scoop Cleaning Cycle (Wash Only)" for effective cleaning.
How Often Should I Change my SaniSolution Cartridge?
Our patented SaniSolution Cartridges dispense the perfect amount of concentrated cleaning solution during every cycle. A Cartridge is designed to clean for 120 cycles with Time Activated or Manual Activated schedule modes. Or you can DOUBLE the life of your Cartridges by running your CatGenie on Cat Activation mode.*
*Not only does Cat Activation save you money, but it also keeps your unit running better longer by cleaning immediately after each use!
What do you need to do? Insert a new SaniSolution Cartridge when the current one is empty. For CatGenie A.I. users, your app will even notify when you are running low so you'll have plenty of time to reorder more. Then you can recycle your Cartridge casing in most areas.
If you or your cats are not completely satisfied with your CatGenie for any reason,
you can return it within 90 days for a full refund of the merchandise cost.
Outgoing shipping costs are non-refundable and you are responsible for paying return shipping costs.
When returning products to CatGenie, we recommend that you:
•Use shipment tracking to ensure we receive your return. We will not process refunds for shipments we do not receive.
•Insure all packages.
•Ask a CatGenie Specialist about taking advantage of our bulk shipping rates for your return.
•Follow all Return Procedures.
To begin the process of returning your CatGenie, please contact our CatGenie Specialist team at 1-88-735-3927.
If you or your cats are not completely satisfied with your CatGenie for any reason, you can return it within 90 days for a full refund of the merchandise cost.
Outgoing shipping costs are non-refundable and you are responsible for paying return shipping costs.
When returning products to CatGenie, we recommend that you:
•Use shipment tracking to ensure we receive your return. We will not process refunds for shipments we do not receive.
•Insure all packages.
•Ask a CatGenie Specialist about taking advantage of our bulk shipping rates for your return.
•Follow all Return Procedures.
To begin the process of returning your CatGenie, please contact our CatGenie Specialist team at 1-88-735-3927.